Friday Fun, week 1
Am I the only one who thinks that Adriana Lima is the hottest fake* woman in the world? Probably not, seeing as how she's smoking hot.
And seeing as how today's Friday, and I'm a very altruistic person, I thought it'd be fun to start a new feature here of putting up a hot photo of Adriana every Friday, for all of your oggling pleasure. 'Cause I don't have any interest in oggling Adriana. Nope.
And to appease the crowd out there who like to oggle men, I thought it'd be fair to also put up a photo each week of Ryan Reynolds, who my girlfriend claims is something of a "beefcake," or some such nonsense. Judging from all the pics of him I've seen, he ain't very good to look at, but I'll leave that up to you all. So without further ado, enjoy the sexiness :)

Who's hotter? Adriana or Ryan? You be the judge.
*In this regard, a "fake" person is someone who exists outside of our everyday reality, like models, atheletes, porn stars, etc. You will never meet them in real life. You will never talk to them in real life. Thus, it's okay to oggle them--as opposed to oggling some random girl on the street--as they don't exist in reality, only in some surreal, make-believe world somewhere between Neverland and Newark. But this is another discussion for another day.
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