Friday, July 08, 2005

Friday Fun, week 5

Just keep on keepin' on, man.

Keeping up with last week's selection of film star of yesteryear Rock Hudson, this week's alternative to the gorgeous Adriana Lima is Gene Kelly. Apparently, being a dancer (and thus having sexy man-thighs) qualifies one as "hot." At least according to some.

You decide.

Y'know, I might not think Gene Kelly is attractive whatsoever, but I gotta admit... the man's got style!

A Teatise on the "Chick Flick"

If I may, I'd like to take a momentary break from reviewing movie trailers and write on the topic of the "Chick Flick." Everyone has heard of this term before, and many have used it themselves; however, does anyone really know what a chick flick is? Is it simply a romantic comedy of any kind? Any kind of romance--comedy or otherwise? This would seem to be the most obvious first thought: men, after all, have only two emotions: anger and lust. We've got no room for piddly, sissy emotions like "love" or "caring" or "cleanliness." And so it would seem natural that adding a romantic element to a movie would automatically qualify it as a chick flick. Yet, Indiana Jones, one of the manliest movie heroes of all time, had a "love interest" in each of his adventures. Are we really ready and willing to call Temple of Doom a chick flick? Hearts are symbols of love, but c'mon...

Hell, even most Schwarzenegger flicks have some kind of thinly-veiled romantic crap thrown in. So I think I can say that having romantic in a movie does not necessarily make it a chick flick. So where else do we go? I did some looking around and found a book on (The Ultimate Guide to Chick Flicks--sounded promising enough) that listed ten things all chick flicks have in common:

  1. Create a Sympathetic Heroine
  2. Offer up a Love-Worthy Hero
  3. Don't Forget the Best Friend
  4. Something's Wrong with the Heroine's Life
  5. They Meet
  6. Toss in Impediments to the Romance
  7. They Dance
  8. Pack in as Many Memorable Moments as Possible
  9. The Hero Employs the Three Magic Words
  10. Achieve the Ultimate Happy (or unhappy) Ending

Parts of this list seem specious to me, so let's test it out on, say, The Piano, which certainly seems to qualify nebulously as a chick flick.

  1. Create a Sympathetic Heroine
    Holly Hunter's character can't talk. She gets sold into a marriage with some jerk down in New Zealand. Check.
  2. Offer up a Love-Worthy Hero
    Harvey Keitel's character is also a bit of a jerk... though he does let Hunter play her piano. Tenuous at best.
  3. Don't Forget the Best Friend
    I guess we can consider the daughter as the best friend here. Check--but only grudgingly.
  4. Something's Wrong with the Heroine's Life
    See number 1. Check.
  5. They Meet
    We at the innuendo yet? Check.
  6. Toss in Impediments to the Romance
    Well, it is an extramarital affair after all. Most husbands aren't cool with that. Check.
  7. They Dance
    If you count seeing Keitel's ugly bare ass while they're doing it as "dancing".... Check.
  8. Pack in as Many Memorable Moments as Possible
    This is a bit ambiguous, isn't it? What qualifies as a "memorable moment"? Seeing Keitel's ass and wang would count, I guess, if only because the images are now burned forever more into my brain. Check.
  9. The Hero Employs the Three Magic Words
    Dunno, can't remember if Keitel's character ever says "Suck me, beautiful." Probably not. Nix.
  10. Achieve the Ultimate Happy (or unhappy) Ending
    Yay! They get married and live happily ever after! Check!

Using this standard, The Piano easily qualifies as a chick flick. Seems good, but let's try the list on something else. How about... True Romance. Written by Quentin Tarantino, this movie is the anti-chick flick: it's got gratuitous sex and nudity, lots of cursing (could you expect anything less from Tarantino?), and tons of blood. In short, it's a man's man movie. However...

  1. Create a Sympathetic Heroine
    Down-on-her-luck prostitute with a jerk wigger for a pimp. Check.
  2. Offer up a Love-Worthy Hero
    I don't know about love-worthy, but Christian Slater is, from what I hear, "attractive," and he plays the lonely-but-non-threatening geeky comicstore clerk. We'll give it a check.
  3. Don't Forget the Best Friend
    The two lovers become best friends. Awwwwwwwwww. Definitely a check.
  4. Something's Wrong with the Heroine's Life
    See number 1. Check.
  5. They Meet
    Prostitute is on assignment... It's the hero's birthday... Check.
  6. Toss in Impediments to the Romance
    Prostitute wants out, pimp doesn't take too kindly to that. Check.
  7. They Dance
    Queue up sex scene and gratutious nudity. Check!
  8. Pack in as Many Memorable Moments as Possible
    Again, very ambiguous. But there's enough here to qualify. Check.
  9. The Hero Employs the Three Magic Words
    A surprising amount in here. Check.
  10. Achieve the Ultimate Happy (or unhappy) Ending
    The King guides our heroes out of trouble and they live the rest of their lives on the beach or something. Check.

Hell, by the book's standard, True Romance is more of a chick flick than even The Piano! Clearly, Tarantino did this on purpose; he probably decided he wanted to try making a manly movie with chick flick cliches in order to prove to the world that it's possible to make a "sensitive" gory action film, but impossible to make a "gory action" chick flick. Hell, the title of the Tarantino film even suggests that the movie is a play on chick flick conventions.

So what does this all mean? Implicitly, anything could be a chick flick. And yet... how many women out there actually enjoy watching True Romance? I would bet big money that it's not even close to the number of women who enjoy The Piano. I guess the real question is what was Tarantino's intent when he put the chick flick elements into True Romance? Did he truly want to incorporate them into the movie because he thought they would add something to the narrative, or was he merely playing around in order to mock the chick flick conventions? Possibly it was a bit of both, but I'm not sure if we'll ever know for sure.

But what I do know is this: couples, if you're ever at the videostore and can't decide on what to get--she wants a chick flick, he would rather stab his eyes out with a pencil--just compromise and get True Romance. It's got enough to satisfy her need for emotion and romantic fulfillment, yet still has the action and nudity to keep him interested. It's a win-win, baby!

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Friday Fun, week 4

At first glance, some of you may think that the Friday Fun stuff I do around here is sexist or whatever. But it's not! I believe that everyone--men and women, children and adults, regardless of sexual orientation--should ogle whomever they find attractive. For me, it's Adriana Lima (or my girlfriend, if she's reading this). But if you're thinking that I only show hot women every Friday on this blog--fear not! So to go along with Adriana this week, I found a nice photo of movie hunk Rock Hudson. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Cyber Seduction

Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life
Lifetime (July 2, 2005)
Director: Tom McLoughlin
Cast: Jeremy Sumpter, Kelly Lynch, Lyndsy Fonseca, Jake Scott

View the trailer

Wow. Just... WOW. What else can I say about this movie? Despite being made by Lifetime: Television for Women (or, perhaps, because of it), the trailer to Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life is something else. Sadly, it's just a made-for-TV movie--and one that ultimately must have the moral that being a prudish woman is better than being a Redbull-chugging porn addict--so, despite the film's promising title, the trailer doesn't contain any nudity. And yet...

One click can destroy a mind... a marriage... a family.

This inane slogan is interspersed with what the folks at Lifetime presumably think is drama. And despite the fact that the film's synopsis clearly pegs previously-good-boy-now-turned-porn-addict Justin as the main character, the trailer almost completely ignores his struggle with whether or not to whack it, and instead focuses on the trials and tribulations of MILF mother Diane, as she tries to keep her fragile reality from crumbling down into a pile of porn-addled rubbish. "I can't believe this is happening to us," Kelly Lynch's character Diane confides in a friend, never coming to grips with the fact that her movie son must have come across (pun very much intended) the sex scene, including full frontal nudity, she did in the 1989 movie Warm Summer Rain (safe for work).

However, the trailer notwithstanding, the producers obviously want to have Justin's porn addiction be the crux of the movie. From the synopsis:

"This is an important topic because online porn addiction can affect all ages," says "Cyber Seduction" executive producer Michael Bremer. In fact, according to a recent survey, 90% of eight- to 16-year-olds with Internet access have viewed porn online, mostly while doing homework. "Addicts blur the lines between fiction and fantasy, creating devastating effects on relationships," adds executive producer Paul Goff.

Clearly, there is an epidemic out there, where 9 out of 10 boys cruise around the internet ghettos, snorting crack off of dead hookers, giving blowjobs for loose change, and killing a man just to watch him die, all the while looking for the next big porn fix. Concerned parents thought Cinemax would be the downfall of our society, and clearly its late-night softcore skin flicks have paved the way for greater evils, like stealing your parents' credit card to get access to for-pay porno sites, or--may God have mercy on our souls--drinking Redbull. The usual rallying cry from parents who would rather censor things so that the rest of us can't enjoy our porn want to make the world a better place is, "Won't someone think of the children????" (As an aside, I know there's a Michael Jackson joke in there just itching to be let out, but I'll refrain... for now). However, this only seemed to have spurred on the internet porn industry, which has, quite to its economical benefit, indeed thought of the children when designing their wanking sites.

So, "Can Justin kick this self-destructive habit?" as the synopsis breathlessly asks. Well, considering that this is a movie made for the middle-aged-independent-woman-soccer-moms out there, the answer is a resounding "yes." However, I posit the supposition that Justin's soul will be irrevocably sullied by his three-month flirtation with the darkness known as internet porn. Of course, the trailer hardly pays this a thought, as Diane is not on screen for a grand total of one second during the 30-second trailer. Justin, by comparison, is on screen for a measly eight seconds. I suppose the producers know their audience, and that this audience responds better to a story which, depending on the perspective, is about an independent mother who wants her family to remain spiritually pure, rather than a story about an abrasive bitch who won't let her son whack off to scantily-clothed-yet-not-actually-naked women. Actually, now that I think about it, by not letting her son ogle beautiful women, Diane is really just making sure that Justin becomes that 1 in 10 that doesn't look at porn. She is ensuring that Justin grows up an introverted and repressed loser--someone who will probably eventually molest little children. It really makes sense when you consider that Micahel Jackson was probably too busy being exploited promoted by his parents to ogle beautiful women while growing up.

With all that in mind, I cannot in good conscience give this trailer any stars. Perhaps it would be different if we, the audience, got a good look at what Justin was wanking to--for realism's sake, of course--but sadly this trailer only gives us hints of probably less than fulfilling things to come. But, really, what else can you expect from a channel that plays "The Nanny" eight times every day?

Friday, June 24, 2005

Secret Things

Secret Things
First Run Features (January 2, 2004)
Director: Jean-Claude Brisseau
Cast: Coralie Revel, Sabrina Seyvecou, Roger Mirmont, Fabrice Deville

View the trailer

One of the greatest things about foreign movies is that they're usually just softcore (and sometimes hardcore) pornos. I mean, check out this synopsis of the French movie Secret Things:

Two young women find themselves struggling to survive in Paris, street-wise Nathalie, a stripper, and naïve Sandrine, a barmaid. Together, they discover that sex can be used to their advantage, and pleasure. Both find positions in the office of a large bank, where bored, under-stimulated, prey are easy pickings. After making their way though several layers of executives at the bank, with destructive, and lucrative, results, they approach Christophe, scion to the bank director. What they don't know is that Christophe is a manipulative voyeur, whose last two lovers set themselves on fire when he rejected them. A connoisseur of high-class orgies, Christophe is only interested in new talent to satisfy the appetites of all whom he controls. In Christophe, the girls have found an opponent who knows all their wiles, and will challenge their simple under-class friendship with levels of jealousy and ecstasy that they have never experienced before. Will they survive?

I don't think I'm imagining things when I say this sounds like the plot of 90% of all pornos. But maybe I'm wrong; I'll have to consult with my friend Gary, the porn expert, about such matters. But anyway, with a plot like that, and a trailer filled with sexy French women, what's not to like?

The trailer begins with the two women taking off their clothes from underneath the long trenchcoats they're wearing, and then proceeding to walk around outside and talk about how exciting it is to do this. Already, the trailer is off to a great start. Sadly, the middle part of the trailer slows down a little, as it tries to show the very beginning of a sensual sex scene; however, the scene is too dark to see much of anything--if the porn industry has taught us nothing else, it's that lighting is key--and takes too long to get started. And then by the time anything actually happens, the trailer cuts to a different scene--namely, where a woman is taking off her clothes, trying to seduce some random guy in an office while his door is still open and people are walking around in the hallway. Good stuff.

Finally, the last segment of the trailer shows the two women feverently making out in a closet with the door ajar, while some doofus stands there staring, mouth agape. This lasts for a good little while, until the trailer finally ends with the inviting words "coming soon." God, I love double entendres.

Anyway, I'm not really sure what else there is to say about this trailer, except go watch it now. It's pretty hot stuff, and proves that the only difference between pornos and foreign films is the lighting and (sometimes) the acting. As long as you don't think about it too deeply, it's a very enjoyable ride, and very deserving of a 4-star score.

Friday Fun archive

Since it will quickly become convoluted and lost into the depths of the internet abyss, I'm putting up an archive listing of all of the previous Friday Fun times we've had. The permanent link to the archive is now on the right, above the "About me" crap.

Friday Fun, week 3

Well, it's Friday again. And that means that once again I'll be posting some pictures of hot celebrities. As usual, I've got a photo of the gorgeous Adriana Lima for the audience that likes women. And this week's guy-to-appease-my-girlfriend is Guy Pearce, who you may remember from such films as Memento, LA Confidential, and Utopian Surgery: Early Arguments Against Anaesthesia in Surgery, Dentistry and Childbirth. Well, maybe not that last one. It's a little obscure.

Anyone, on to the ogling!

Guy has some skeletons in his closet.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Land of the Dead

George A. Romero's Land of the Dead
Universal (June 24, 2005)
Director: George A. Romero
Cast: Simon Baker, John Leguizamo, Asia Argento, Robert Joy,Dennis Hopper, Eugene Clark

View the trailer

Twenty years after the release of Day of the Dead, "legendary" filmmaker George A. Romero--not to be confused with George "Fireball" Romero of Pensicola, Florida--comes back for one more zombie movie. Sadly, the time naming convention of the previous three movies in the series has been scrapped; personally, I felt that Twilight of the Dead, Sunset of the Dead, or even "It's Almost Dinnertime, So Don't Go Spoiling Your Appetite" of the Dead would've worked as better titles than the boring Land, but maybe that's just my opinion.

Anywho, Romero is back with this film, no doubt trying desperately to cash in on some of the zombified money made by Shaun of the Dead, 28 Days Later, and the remake to Dawn of the Dead in recent years. Well, according to the trailer, he's back to put a cap on his legacy or some such nonsense. An obvious lie. And I don't think we can begrudge him too much for this blatant money grab, seeing as, after all, many of the greats of cinema were solely about making money--Greg Steelberg, Randy West (I), and Bud Lee, to name a few. Besides, while checking up on Romero's bio, I noticed this summary for his upcoming epic, Diamond Dead:

Aria De Winter has been enlisted by Death himself to kill 365 people in one year. Hard task? Well, it helps when Aria is planning an historic concert for the Diamond Dead, the world's most famous underground rock band. It also helps that she's the ex-girlfriend of the lead singer of the band. It helps even more that the band members have been dead for over a year.

Apparently, Romero has become drunk with power and success. That, or he owes someone a big favor. Regardless, if this is what he's going to be doing now that the ...of the Dead series appears to be over, I think we can all agree that Land of the Dead needs to be cherished--if only so that we may throw Diamond Dead down the memory hole.

Well then, onto the actual trailer. Unfortunately, this is one of those trailers that shows more clips from Romero's previous zombie films than his new one; I suppose the studio felt it necessary to give evidence to back up its claim that he is "legendary." Apparently, Land takes place sometime after Night of the Living Dead: the world has been overrun by the Republicans zombies, and the last remaining humans are holed up in a fortress of solitude walled, prison-like city. The zombies also have apparently been "evolving," to the point where they can construct rudimentary pipe bombs and are adept at military pincer attacks. They also seem to be amphibious in this iteration, but seeing as how this is a movie where Dennis Hopper is in charge, we're obviously supposed to suspend disbelief.

Ultimately, the trailer devolves into a typical horror-movie-with-lots-of-fast-cuts-and-scary-noises-and-explosions trailer, which is a little sad because the trailer showed so much potential when it was only showing clips from the previous ...of the Dead films. It's got its moments, but in the end this trailer just doesn't cut the mustard. You'd be better served eating a large bowl of Hagan Das and watching The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Friday Saturday Fun, week 2

Okay, so I'm a little late in putting up this week's addition to the Hot People Me and My Girlfriend Like To Oggle section of this site. So sue me.

Anywho, last week I put up photos of Adriana Lima and Ryan Reynolds. This week, it's Adriana and that sexy Johnny Depp. My girlfriend says he's really hot, and I think I found a pic that really illustrates this. Enjoy!

Me, I'll stick with Adriana, thankyouverymuch.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Cry Wolf

Cry Wolf
Focus Features (August 26, 2005)
Director: Jeff Wadlow
Cast: Julian Morris, Lindy Booth, Jared Padalecki, Jon Bon Jovi

View the trailer

In the epic tradition of You've Got Mail and Mac and Me, Cry Wolf continues the trend of getting some kind of mega sponsorship deal, and then basing a movie around it. This is ever apparent when the beginning of the trailer shows a "creepy" and "foreboding" instant messaging conversation between Wolf3x6 and OwenM87. If you'd rather not spend any time watching the trailer, then I'll give you a quick summary of how the convo went...

Wolf3x6: hello
OwenM87: who is this?
Wolf3x6: did you hear about the murders on campus?
OwenM87: lol
OwenM87: is this tom?
Wolf3x6: i know what you did last summer
OwenM87: rotfl! u r 2 funny!
Wolf3x6: im gonna gut u like a fish
OwenM87: lol lol lol
OwenM87: u wanna cyber?
Wolf3x6 has left the chat.

Rumor has it the original script of the movie had this going on for two more hours. Fortunately for us, it appears that idea was scrapped in favor of a clichéd teen slasher flick. No word yet on whether Jennifer Love Hewitt or Neve Campbell make cameos, but the fact that Jon Bon Jovi is in this movie raises its potential immensely.

Anyway, the AIM convo ends and, despite no other evidence to the contrary, we're immediately shown that Wolf3x6 must be the killer, as some chilling music overlays a montage of some brutal murders. Sadly, the trailer doesn't go much into the "plot" of the movie—and for that I had to dock the trailer a few stars—though this is helped by a couple shots of the perilled teens jumping into a swimming pool. After all, if horror films have taught us nothing else, it's that beautiful people + water + blood = success. If the movie ends up getting an underwater lesbian love scene, then I think Opie Ron Howard may have to wait a year to pick up another Oscar.

Regardless, the money shot of the trailer comes at the end when viewers are told to use our cell phones to "text your AIM screen name... to get in on the hunt." Having thus established the marketing tie-in, the trailer becomes a sort of interactive manhunt, where participants get to take part in the thrill of being hunted by a merciless killer. Presumably, AOL will use each person's screen name ethically and certainly will refrain from selling them to spammers or those who would otherwise send you instant messanges telling you about the wonders of "Ccialiss to. help you have gr8 scexxx!"

Ultimately, though it has promise, the trailer falls short of the standards set by teen horrors of yesteryear like Urban Legend II: Final Cut or Valentine, and it leaves in viewers' mouths the lingering taste of bile and vinegar. In the end, the trailer to Cry Wolf ends up being like that girl you met at the party last week—kinda pretty, and gives off the impression that she'll rock your world harder than a Bon Jovi concert, but ultimately she's simply a tease who only wants to get your...hopes...up.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Friday Fun, week 1

Am I the only one who thinks that Adriana Lima is the hottest fake* woman in the world? Probably not, seeing as how she's smoking hot.

And seeing as how today's Friday, and I'm a very altruistic person, I thought it'd be fun to start a new feature here of putting up a hot photo of Adriana every Friday, for all of your oggling pleasure. 'Cause I don't have any interest in oggling Adriana. Nope.

And to appease the crowd out there who like to oggle men, I thought it'd be fair to also put up a photo each week of Ryan Reynolds, who my girlfriend claims is something of a "beefcake," or some such nonsense. Judging from all the pics of him I've seen, he ain't very good to look at, but I'll leave that up to you all. So without further ado, enjoy the sexiness :)

Who's hotter? Adriana or Ryan? You be the judge.

*In this regard, a "fake" person is someone who exists outside of our everyday reality, like models, atheletes, porn stars, etc. You will never meet them in real life. You will never talk to them in real life. Thus, it's okay to oggle them--as opposed to oggling some random girl on the street--as they don't exist in reality, only in some surreal, make-believe world somewhere between Neverland and Newark. But this is another discussion for another day.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Killer Klowns from Outer Space
MGM (May 27, 1988)
Director: Stephen Chiodo
Cast: Grant Cramer, Suzanne Snyder, John Allen Nelson, John Vernon, Michael Siegel

View the trailer

There are a few key ingredients to making a successful horror movie:

  • Always have horny, about-to-have-sex teens be the first to find the monster/alien/Michael Jackson/demon/whatever.
  • Instead of continuing to have sex, said teens must drop everything and investigate a weird noise/light/whatever.
  • Said investigative teens get killed (and thus validating the maxim that having sex in a horror movie is akin to a Sicilian kiss of death), and thus begins a rampage of blood and carnage.
  • Repeat if necessary.

Oh yeah, and:
  • Clowns are fucking creepy.

Fortunately, the trailer to Killer Klowns from Outer Space has all of this, and all is good. At least at first. However, unfortunately, the about halfway through the trailer, it stops showing things in chronological order and begins showing things as a sort of montage, splitting time between the Killer Klowns and the Scully-esque, pragmatic sherrif. It's not that this is necessarily a bad thing, per se. It's just that in my movie trailers, I prefer it when things continue on in an ordered fashion.

But that's only a triffle of a complaint in what is, for the most part, a very solid trailer. The Klowns are apropriately creepy in a low budget sort of way, and their antics toe the line between being scary and wacky. This is symbolically paralleled by pulsating electric guitar rifs accompanying the trailer. The result leaves the viewer with an odd feeling, like the kind I got Friday when I woke up naked and upside down in the backseat of a Passat after a hard night of binge drinking. Needless to say, the trailer is effective in being affective. Or something like that.

Another minor complaint with the trailer is that it leaves things unresolved at the end. It's one thing for a trailer to withhold the ending, but it's another thing altogether to withhold any clues as to what the hell we can expect to happen. The trailer has no hero to save the day (unless you count Sherrif Skeptical), and there appears to be nothing that can stop the Klowns. So, playing Devil's Advocate, what's my motivation to see the movie?

Well, for one there's the "krazy" plot and the state-of-the-art 1988 special effects. And then there's the, uh... okay, there's not much besides that. But despite the fact that, on paper, this movie trailer sucks, it's actually pretty entertaining. Especially if you're on some kind of mind-altering substance, since that allows the viewer to be on the same wavelength as the director. So relax, take a seat, crack open a beer/vial of crack* and enjoy this fun, mindless romp.

*Note: I am not actually recommending anyone take crack. It is a horrible drug and is a scurge to society. However, beer is great, and I recommend it to everyone, regardless of age or infirmity. Bottom's up!

Saturday, May 21, 2005


Sony Pictures (July 29, 2005)
Director: Rob Cohen
Cast: Josh Lucas, Jessica Biel, Jamie Foxx, Sam Shepard

View the trailer

Sometimes I think the movie trailer gods love me, seeing as how they've blessed me with the trailer to Stealth, which conveniently is also set for release on my birthday. I first saw the trailer to this soon-to-be masterpiece last night before Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Cash Cow, and the minute the, well, minute-long trailer was over, I knew I had to review it. It made me feel something deep down—something warm and tingly. Sure, the feeling was a little unnverving and maybe even a little frightening, but it was also exhilarating—like that feeling you get at the bottom of your stomach when you're going down the first hill of a rollercoaster.

Or maybe the feeling had something to do with the three borritos I ate before the showing.

Regardless, the epic tour-de-force known as the trailer to Stealth begins with an innovative shot of Lucas, Biel, and Foxx walking toward the camera, an obvious and unique homage to the 1983 classic, The Right Stuff. Now, this shot has been ripped off mimicked countless times in other movies, but in Stealth it serves a larger purpose. What sets this particular shot apart is the fact that it also sets up two key themes of the trailer: (1) Jessica Biel is hot, as evidenced by the (gratutious, but welcome) shot of her in a bikini on some tropical locale right out of an issue of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit; and (2) Ray notwithstanding, Jamie Foxx is only capable of playing the ebonics-speaking, flashy, hot-shot womanizer. The first quarter of the trailer exemplifies both of these themes in order to set up the eventual conflict that arises when Hal 9000 an advanced artificial intelligence that's built into a jet is added to the squadron.

"It has their skills. It has their speed," the trailer warns us as it shows the three pilots worriedly discussing their dwindling prospects of continuing their careers as pilots. (This is one of the points where the trailer's logic seems incomprehensibly built by "The director of 'The fast and the Furious' and 'xXx.'" To wit, the jet's AI probably cost billions of dollars to develop, and presumably the jet had to be specially made to accommodate it, thus raising the total cost of the endevor even more. Compare this to the pilots' $20/hour salaries and the negligable improvement in performance from the humans to the computer, and you've got a great example of Defense Department waste. ...Now that I think about it, maybe the logic isn't so incomprehensible.) Regardless, the trailer goes into its intermission without too much conflict.

However, things really come to a boil when the squardon decides to fly around randomly during an electrical storm. Validating Murphy's Law, the till-then inocuous AI is hit by a bolt of lightening and this, naturally, triggers something that allows the AI to "become aware of itself." The logical next step for any newly self-aware computer is, of course, to waste all of its fuel and ammunition by flying around and bombing civilian targets. Further, the military apparently decided on the ill-fated flyover mission to equip the AI jet with a wide array of state-of-the-art weaponry, including a bomb that can defy the laws of thermodynamics by igniting spent exhaust into a floating ring of fire.

So to sum it up, this trailer is great.

All that being said, there are a few things that aren't great with the trailer. The acting is a little wooden and the plot is a little slow to develop. However, aside from that the trailer is a rollercoaster ride that'll leave you on the edge of your seat begging to be put out of your misery for more.

Thursday, May 19, 2005


FOX (October 4, 1985)
Director: Mark L. Lester
Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rae Dawn Chong, Dan Hedaya, Vernon Wells, James Olson

View the trailer

*Don't worry, this review is completely free of spoilers*

It's always difficult judging a movie by its trailer when you've already seen the full movie, but I thought there was just something classy about starting off with the mega roller coaster that is Commando. But good reviewers are able to rise above preconceived perceptions of movies and deliver an objective press release, so I feel I can do the same.

The trailer for Commando, like many other movies released before the early-90s, is characterized by the fact that it gives away practically the whole movie. (This one is nothing compared to The Graduate's trailer, but that's another review for another time.) It starts off by playing a sort of synthesized pseudo-Caribbean beat, foreshadowing the later conflict between man's nature and free will that will soon take place on some random island nation. From there, the narrator goes into setting up the plot of the movie: namely, Arnold is a badass, some other badasses kidnapped his daughter (who, the narrator reassures us, "is the only thing he will kill for"), and so he has to go kick some ass.

The first act ends with a montage of Arnold putting on his killing gear, accompanied with the tagline "Somewhere, somehow, someone's gonna pay." The trailer then goes into the intermission by showing the movie's logo, finally putting to rest any lingering fears that you might accidentally be watching the trailer to Some Like It Hot.

Fortunately for all of us, someone--more than one, actually--does pay. Commando is less about plot than it is about showing Arnold's massive build or showing said massive build killing things. However, Act 2 of the trailer is infinitely more light-hearted than the first; by this point, Arnold's acting chops are fully realized, and he goes from just being a mindless destroyer of worlds to a mindless stand-up comedian. Arnold's timing is pitch-perfect, and this bit of levity fleshes out the trailer and makes it feel more complete.

Artistically, the trailer also comes into its own in the second act when the pseudo-Caribbean drums are made louder, and the movie's sounds are muted. Unfortunately, the drumbeats don't often sync up completely with what's happing on screen, and this tends to pull the viewer out of the trailer-made reality and into this one. However, this is a minor complaint, especially because the music changes toward the climax to become more dramatic; this is, of course, used along with the visuals and the deep-voiced narrator to set the stage for what is quite possibly the most dramatic line in the trailer: Arnold's crazy-eyed, knife-wielding intonation, "Let's party." Sends shivers up your back.

Remember, dear reader, when I promised this review would be spoiler-free?

I lied.

Right off the bat

So I guess this is the obligatory first post, and the requisite explanation of what the hell I plan on doing here.

So we all know the saying that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. But why the hell not? So that's exactly what I'll be doing here... just with movies.

Each week (read: whenever the hell I feel like it), I'll be writing up a short review of a movie, based solely on seeing its trailer. Maybe if I get ambitious, I'll move onto actually reviewing books by their covers too. But probably not.

Anyway, stop reading this post and go check out my first review, of the Academy Award-winning opus, Commando.